Support bitmap fonts

To allow FontConfig to work with Bitmap font, we shall pass the size
we are interested in, and account for the size returned in the font
matching process. This is, because we cannot scale those fonts.

FontConfig will return the closest match, and we take its returned
pixel size back when we are rendering the glyphs.

There's an oddity when call set_char_size in TrueType - we need to
behave as if the DPI is 72. It is due to the following macro:

    #define FT_REQUEST_HEIGHT( req )                                        \
          ( (req)->vertResolution                                           \
              ? ( (req)->height * (FT_Pos)(req)->vertResolution + 36 ) / 72 \
              : (req)->height )

Further work can allow for integer scaling of the largest bitmap
font variant.

Tested with Terminus PCF-type font under Linux.

This addresses issue #582 .
This commit is contained in:
Dan Aloni 2017-10-08 15:51:12 -07:00 committed by Joe Wilm
parent 619e877819
commit b03ec0df37
2 changed files with 120 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -18,15 +18,15 @@ use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::str;
use std::mem;
use libc::{c_char, c_int};
use libc::{c_char, c_int, c_double};
use foreign_types::{ForeignType, ForeignTypeRef};
use super::ffi::FcResultMatch;
use super::ffi::{FcPatternDestroy, FcPatternAddCharSet};
use super::ffi::{FcPatternGetString, FcPatternCreate, FcPatternAddString};
use super::ffi::{FcPatternGetString, FcPatternCreate, FcPatternAddString, FcPatternAddDouble};
use super::ffi::{FcPatternGetInteger, FcPatternAddInteger, FcPatternPrint};
use super::ffi::{FcChar8, FcPattern, FcDefaultSubstitute, FcConfigSubstitute};
use super::ffi::{FcFontRenderPrepare, FcPatternGetBool, FcBool};
use super::ffi::{FcFontRenderPrepare, FcPatternGetBool, FcBool, FcPatternGetDouble};
use super::{MatchKind, ConfigRef, CharSetRef, Weight, Slant, Width, Rgba, HintStyle, LcdFilter};
@ -115,7 +115,6 @@ pub struct IntPropertyIter<'a> {
index: usize
impl<'a> IntPropertyIter<'a> {
fn new<'b>(pattern: &'b PatternRef, object: &'b [u8]) -> IntPropertyIter<'b> {
IntPropertyIter {
@ -227,6 +226,42 @@ impl<'a> LcdFilterPropertyIter<'a> {
/// Iterator over interger properties
pub struct DoublePropertyIter<'a> {
pattern: &'a PatternRef,
object: &'a [u8],
index: usize
impl<'a> DoublePropertyIter<'a> {
fn new<'b>(pattern: &'b PatternRef, object: &'b [u8]) -> DoublePropertyIter<'b> {
DoublePropertyIter {
pattern: pattern,
object: object,
index: 0
fn get_value(&self, index: usize) -> Option<f64> {
let mut value = 0 as c_double;
let result = unsafe {
self.object.as_ptr() as *mut c_char,
index as c_int,
&mut value
if result == FcResultMatch {
Some(value as f64)
} else {
/// Implement debug for a property iterator
macro_rules! impl_property_iter_debug {
($iter:ty => $item:ty) => {
@ -305,6 +340,7 @@ macro_rules! impl_derived_property_iter {
impl_property_iter! {
StringPropertyIter<'a> => &'a str,
IntPropertyIter<'a> => isize,
DoublePropertyIter<'a> => f64,
BooleanPropertyIter<'a> => bool
@ -322,7 +358,7 @@ foreign_type! {
pub struct PatternRef;
macro_rules! pattern_string_accessors {
macro_rules! string_accessor {
($([$getter:ident, $setter:ident] => $object_name:expr),*) => {
@ -372,6 +408,18 @@ macro_rules! boolean_getter {
macro_rules! double_getter {
($($method:ident() => $property:expr),*) => {
pub fn $method(&self) -> DoublePropertyIter {
unsafe {
impl PatternRef {
// Prints the pattern to stdout
@ -411,6 +459,14 @@ impl PatternRef {
) == 1
unsafe fn add_double(&self, object: &[u8], value: f64) -> bool {
object.as_ptr() as *mut c_char,
value as c_double
) == 1
unsafe fn get_string<'a>(&'a self, object: &'a [u8]) -> StringPropertyIter<'a> {
StringPropertyIter::new(self, object)
@ -419,6 +475,10 @@ impl PatternRef {
IntPropertyIter::new(self, object)
unsafe fn get_double<'a>(&'a self, object: &'a [u8]) -> DoublePropertyIter<'a> {
DoublePropertyIter::new(self, object)
unsafe fn get_boolean<'a>(&'a self, object: &'a [u8]) -> BooleanPropertyIter<'a> {
BooleanPropertyIter::new(self, object)
@ -446,7 +506,15 @@ impl PatternRef {
decorative() => b"decorative\0"
pattern_string_accessors! {
double_getter! {
size() => b"size\0",
aspect() => b"aspect\0",
pixelsize() => b"pixelsize\0",
scale() => b"scale\0",
dpi() => b"dpi\0"
string_accessor! {
[family, add_family] => b"family\0",
[familylang, add_familylang] => b"familylang\0",
[style, add_style] => b"style\0",
@ -467,6 +535,12 @@ impl PatternRef {
pub fn add_pixelsize(&mut self, size: f64) -> bool {
unsafe {
self.add_double(b"pixelsize\0", size)
pub fn set_weight(&mut self, weight: Weight) -> bool {
unsafe {
self.add_integer(b"weight\0", weight as isize)

View File

@ -26,12 +26,17 @@ pub mod fc;
use super::{FontDesc, RasterizedGlyph, Metrics, Size, FontKey, GlyphKey, Weight, Slant, Style};
struct FixedSize {
pixelsize: f64,
struct Face {
ft_face: freetype::Face<'static>,
key: FontKey,
load_flags: freetype::face::LoadFlag,
render_mode: freetype::RenderMode,
lcd_filter: c_uint,
non_scalable: Option<FixedSize>
impl fmt::Debug for Face {
@ -103,8 +108,8 @@ impl ::Rasterize for FreeTypeRasterizer {
fn load_font(&mut self, desc: &FontDesc, _size: Size) -> Result<FontKey, Error> {
let face = self.get_face(desc)?;
fn load_font(&mut self, desc: &FontDesc, size: Size) -> Result<FontKey, Error> {
let face = self.get_face(desc, size)?;
let key = face.key;
self.faces.insert(key, face);
@ -145,15 +150,19 @@ impl IntoFontconfigType for Weight {
impl FreeTypeRasterizer {
/// Load a font face accoring to `FontDesc`
fn get_face(&mut self, desc: &FontDesc) -> Result<Face, Error> {
fn get_face(&mut self, desc: &FontDesc, size: Size) -> Result<Face, Error> {
// Adjust for DPI
let scale = self.dpi_x as f32 / 72.;
let size = Size::new(size.as_f32_pts() * scale);
match {
Style::Description { slant, weight } => {
// Match nearest font
self.get_matching_face(&desc, slant, weight)
self.get_matching_face(&desc, slant, weight, size)
Style::Specific(ref style) => {
// If a name was specified, try and load specifically that font.
self.get_specific_face(&desc, &style)
self.get_specific_face(&desc, &style, size)
@ -162,12 +171,14 @@ impl FreeTypeRasterizer {
&mut self,
desc: &FontDesc,
slant: Slant,
weight: Weight
weight: Weight,
size: Size,
) -> Result<Face, Error> {
let mut pattern = fc::Pattern::new();
pattern.add_pixelsize(size.as_f32_pts() as _);
let font = fc::font_match(fc::Config::get_current(), &mut pattern)
.ok_or_else(|| Error::MissingFont(desc.to_owned()))?;
@ -183,11 +194,13 @@ impl FreeTypeRasterizer {
fn get_specific_face(
&mut self,
desc: &FontDesc,
style: &str
style: &str,
size: Size,
) -> Result<Face, Error> {
let mut pattern = fc::Pattern::new();
pattern.add_pixelsize(size.as_f32_pts() as _);
let font = fc::font_match(fc::Config::get_current(), &mut pattern)
.ok_or_else(|| Error::MissingFont(desc.to_owned()))?;
@ -203,16 +216,29 @@ impl FreeTypeRasterizer {
if let (Some(path), Some(index)) = (pattern.file(0), pattern.index().nth(0)) {
trace!("got font path={:?}", path);
let ft_face = self.library.new_face(path, index)?;
// Get available pixel sizes if font isn't scalable.
let non_scalable = if !pattern.scalable().next().unwrap_or(true) {
let mut pixelsize = pattern.pixelsize();
debug!("pixelsizes: {:?}", pixelsize);
Some(FixedSize {
pixelsize:"has 1+ pixelsize"),
} else {
let face = Face {
ft_face: ft_face,
key: FontKey::next(),
load_flags: Self::ft_load_flags(pattern),
render_mode: Self::ft_render_mode(pattern),
lcd_filter: Self::ft_lcd_filter(pattern),
non_scalable: non_scalable,
debug!("Loaded Face {:?}", face);
} else {
@ -220,14 +246,11 @@ impl FreeTypeRasterizer {
fn face_for_glyph(&mut self, glyph_key: &GlyphKey, have_recursed: bool) -> Result<FontKey, Error> {
let size = glyph_key.size.as_f32_pts() * self.dpr;
let c = glyph_key.c;
let use_initial_face = if self.faces.contains_key(&glyph_key.font_key) {
// Get face and unwrap since we just checked for presence.
let face = self.faces.get(&glyph_key.font_key).unwrap();
face.ft_face.set_char_size(to_freetype_26_6(size), 0, self.dpi_x, self.dpi_y)?;
let index = face.ft_face.get_char_index(c as usize);
if index != 0 || have_recursed {
@ -253,6 +276,12 @@ impl FreeTypeRasterizer {
let face = self.faces.get(&font_key).unwrap();
let index = face.ft_face.get_char_index(glyph_key.c as usize);
let size = face.non_scalable.as_ref()
.map(|v| v.pixelsize as f32)
.unwrap_or_else(|| glyph_key.size.as_f32_pts() * self.dpi_x as f32 / 72.);
face.ft_face.set_char_size(to_freetype_26_6(size), 0, 0, 0)?;
unsafe {
let ft_lib = self.library.raw();
freetype::ffi::FT_Library_SetLcdFilter(ft_lib, face.lcd_filter);