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About me

I am a guy that loves tech. Currently i dig way into docker, rust and linux. I have my own server (you are on it now), which consists of:

  1. Email
  2. Gitea
  3. This homepage
  4. Sonarqube
  5. Woodpecker

I run it all in docker. I have considered kubernetes, but i want a firm grasp of docker first.

I am also a open source maintainer of release checker, and soon this homepage (it is pretty hardlinked to me, but the source is going to be public, so you can clone, inspect, adapt, destroy and change it to your liking). I currently use release checker to maintain my own stack. Wicked sick!

Professionally i work for OK doing SQL, DevOps, C# and the like. Very good place to be working!

When i am not working or coding, i kiss my wife, my children, or swing kettlebells and ride a havelåge (bicycle). Very fun indeed. I occasionally play DOTA 2 (invoker and pudge spammer). I really suck at it, but i somehow love the game so much that i keep finding time to play it.

This page

Here i display different kind of things i am working on hosted in my own Gitea instance. Sometimes they are accompanied by some text, and examples that i use to showcase here on this page. They are listed below. Actually this about text is also something that is in git. Fancy!!


I used to blog. Find it here.